All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractActionDataTag |
An abstract base class for tag handler classes that need to deal with action
objects and their properties.
AbstractBeanTag |
An abstract base class for tag handler implementations that create bean
AbstractCompositeComponentHandler<T,S> |
AbstractDecimalTransformer<T extends Number> |
A base class for number transformers that operate on floating point numbers.
AbstractDesktopTask |
An abstract base class for action tasks that perform a desktop operation with
the currently selected file.
AbstractDialogOptions<T,S extends AbstractDialogOptions<T,S>> |
An abstract base class for options classes for standard dialogs.
AbstractEventFilter |
An abstract base class for event filters.
AbstractFileChooserOptions<T,S extends AbstractFileChooserOptions<T,S>> |
An abstract base class for the options of file chooser dialogs.
AbstractIntegerTransformer<T extends Number> |
A base class for number transformers that operate on integer numbers.
AbstractLocator |
An adapter class for implementing concrete Locator classes.
AbstractPopupMenuBuilder |
An abstract base class for implementations of the PopupMenuBuilder
AbstractRadioButtonHandler<T> |
A base class for ComponentHandler implementations for radio buttons.
AbstractStreamLocator |
An abstract base class for Locator implementations that mainly
operate on streams.
Accelerator |
A class that represents an accelerator for invoking an action.
AccessibleComposite |
An extended version of the Composite interface which also allows
access to the data passed via the mutating methods.
ActionBuilder |
A central data class used during the action builder process.
ActionBuilderTagLibrary |
The tag library for the action builder tags.
ActionContainer |
Definition of an interface for objects with container facilities.
ActionControlTag |
Definition of an abstract base class for tag handler classes that create
controls, which can be associated with actions.
ActionData |
Definition of an interface for describing properties of an action.
ActionDataImpl |
A straight forward implementation of the ActionData interface.
ActionDataTag |
A simple tag for creating objects of type
ActionData .
ActionEnabler |
A specialized implementation of the ElementEnabler interface that can
change the enabled state of actions.
ActionGroupEnabler |
A specialized implementation of the ElementEnabler interface that can
change the enabled state of action groups.
ActionHelper |
A helper class for dealing with actions.
ActionInvoker |
A class that allows to combine actions with event listeners.
ActionListenerTag |
A specific form event listener tag implementation that deals with action
ActionManager |
Definition of an interface for a component that creates GUI library specific
action objects and related classes.
ActionManagerWrapper |
A base class for wrapper implementations of the ActionManager
ActionStore |
A class for maintaining action objects.
ActionTag |
A tag handler class for creating action objects.
ActionTask |
Definition of an interface for the task of an action.
ActionTaskTag |
A simple tag for specifying task objects for actions.
AndEventFilter |
A specialized chained filter implementation that provides an AND or ALL
AndEventFilterTag |
A specialized ChainedEventFilter implementation that creates
AppendTextActionTask |
A task for an action that appends a configurable text to a text component.
Application |
The main startup class of the GUI application framework.
ApplicationBuilderData |
The application specific default implementation of the BuilderData
ApplicationClient |
Definition of an interface for objects that need a reference to the central
Application object.
ApplicationContext |
Definition of an interface for accessing application global information.
ApplicationContextImpl |
A default implementation of the ApplicationContext interface.
ApplicationException |
An exception class that indicates error conditions related to the
Application class.
ApplicationResources |
A class defining constants for default resources provided by the application
ApplicationResources.Keys |
An enumeration class defining the keys of all resources contained within
the application default resource bundle.
ApplicationRuntimeException |
An exception class for reporting runtime exceptions that are related to
objects or operations invoked on them.
ApplicationShutdownActionTask |
A specialized action task for exiting the current application.
ApplicationShutdownListener |
Definition of an interface for listeners that want to be notified when the
application terminates.
AutoReleaseListener |
A specialized WindowListener implementation for implementing the
auto release mechanism supported by builders.
BeanBindingStrategy |
An implementation of the BindingStrategy interface that operates on
Java beans.
BeanBuilder |
Definition of an interface for processing scripts with bean definitions.
BeanBuilderFactory |
Definition of an interface for querying new BeanBuilder
BeanBuilderResult |
Definition of an interface for accessing the results of a BeanBuilder .
BeanContext |
Definition of an interface that allows access to the beans managed by the
dependency injection framework.
BeanContextClient |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by beans that need a reference
to the current BeanContext .
BeanContextWrapper |
A simple wrapper implementation of the BeanContext interface.
BeanCreationEvent |
An event class for reporting the creation of a bean by the dependency
injection framework.
BeanCreationListener |
Definition of an interface for objects that are interested in the creation of
beans by a BeanContext .
BeanInitializer |
Definition of an interface for objects that perform some kind of
initialization on beans that are managed by a
BeanProvider |
Definition of an interface for objects that provide access to beans.
BeanStore |
Definition of an interface for objects that provide access to bean
BeanStoreTag |
A tag handler class for creating new BeanStore instances.
BeanTag |
The main tag of the tag library for the dependency injection
framework: with this tag bean definitions can be created.
BgTaskCommand |
A command class for executing the background task.
BgTaskData |
A data class that stores all information required by the background task.
BindingStrategy |
Definition of an interface for objects that are responsible of the binding of
form fields to model objects.
BooleanRadioButtonHandler |
A specialized ComponentHandler implementation for a radio button
group with only two elements.
BorderConstraintsTag |
A special tag handler implementation for creating constraints object for a
BorderLayout |
A GUI library independent implementation of the AWT layout manager
BorderLayoutTag |
Builder |
The main builder interface.
BuilderData |
Definition of an interface that describes the parameters of a builder
BuilderEvent |
The base class of events used in the form and form builder framework.
BuilderException |
An exception class for reporting error conditions related to the GUI builder.
BundleResourceLoader |
A specialized implementation of the ResourceLoader interface that
make use of the default Java resource bundles.
ButtonLayout |
A layout manager that deals with button bars for dialogs.
ButtonLayout.Alignment |
An enumeration class for the alignment of a ButtonLayout .
ButtonLayoutTag |
ButtonTag |
A specific tag handler class for creating command button components.
ByteArrayLocator |
A specialized Locator implementation that provides access to data
stored in memory as a byte array.
CellAlignment |
An enumeration class that defines the possible alignments of components in
the cells of a percent layout.
CellConstraints |
A class for describing column and row constraints for the
PercentLayout layout manager.
CellConstraints.Builder |
A builder class for creating instances of
CellConstraints .
CellGroup |
A simple helper class to define columns and rows with identical size in
PercentLayout .
CellSize |
An enumeration class that defines possible sizes for the cells of a
percent layout.
ChainedEventFilter |
An abstract base class for filters that operate on multiple filters.
ChainedEventFilterTag |
A specialized event filter class that deals with chained filters, i.e. event
filters that can child event filters.
ChainedInvocation |
A special implementation of the Invokable interface that
allows aggregating an arbitrary number of Invokable objects to
a kind of script.
ChainElementEnabler |
A specialized implementation of the ElementEnabler interface that
maintains an arbitrary number of other ElementEnabler objects.
ChainValidator |
A special Validator implementation that allows combining multiple
primitive validators.
ChangeListener |
Definition of an interface for receiving notifactions about changes at Swing
ChangeListenerTag |
A specific form event listener tag implementation that deals with change
CheckboxTag |
A specific input component tag for creating a checkbox.
ClassDependency |
An implementation of the Dependency interface that allows to
define a dependency based on a bean class.
ClassDescData |
A simple data class for managing the components needed for a class
ClassDescription |
A helper class for defining references to classes.
ClassEventFilter |
A specialized EventFilter implementation that filters by an
event class.
ClassLoaderProvider |
Definition of an interface for objects that act as a registry for class
ClassPathLocator |
A specific Locator implementation that can obtain resources from
the class path.
ClearTextActionTask |
A task for an action that clears the content of a text component.
CollectionBeanProvider |
An abstract base class for BeanProvider implementations that
create beans derived from collections.
CollectionTag |
A base tag handler class for defining collections in bean builder scripts.
Color |
A simple class representing a color in a platform-independent way.
ColorFieldMarker |
ColorHelper |
A helper class for dealing with colors.
ColorHelper.NamedColor |
An enumeration with predefined color constants.
ColorListModel |
A ListModel implementation for combo boxes that allow the user to
choose a color.
ColumnClass |
An enumeration class that defines logic column classes.
ColumnComponentTag |
An abstract base class for tags that define renderers or editors for the
columns of a table.
ColumnEditorTag |
A tag for defining the editor of a column within a table.
ColumnRendererTag |
A tag for defining the renderer of a column within a table.
CombinedBeanStore |
A specialized implementation of the BeanStore interface that combines
multiple physical BeanStore objects to a single logic view.
ComboBoxTag |
A specific input component tag that creates a combo box component.
Command |
Definition of an interface for command objects.
CommandActionTask |
A specialized action task that executes a Command object.
CommandBase |
An abstract base class for implementations of the Command
CommandQueue |
Definition of an interface that describes a command queue.
CommandQueueEvent |
An event class for notifying listeners about the state of a
CommandQueue .
CommandQueueEvent.Type |
An enumeration for the types supported by the
CommandQueueEvent class.
CommandQueueImpl |
A command queue implementation for GUI applications.
CommandQueueListener |
Definition of an interface for listeners that want to be notified about
changes in the state of a CommandQueue
CommandWrapper |
A wrapper implementation of the Command interface.
ComponentBaseTag |
An abstract base class for tags that create GUI components.
ComponentBuilderCallBack |
An interface for describing call back operations that can be registered at
the central builder data object.
ComponentBuilderData |
A class for storing temporary data and the results of a form builder
ComponentEnabler |
A specialized implementation of the ElementEnabler interface that can
change the enabled state of components.
ComponentGroup |
This class represents a group of components.
ComponentGroupTag |
A tag for constructing (logic) groups of components.
ComponentHandler<T> |
Definition of an interface for accessing GUI components independently from
their type.
ComponentHandlerImpl |
A simple default implementation of the ComponentHandler
ComponentHandlerTag |
ComponentManager |
Definition of an interface to a concrete GUI manager.
ComponentManagerWrapper |
ComponentStore |
Definition of an interface for objects that are able to manage entities
related to a Form object.
ComponentStoreImpl |
A fully functional default implementation of the ComponentStore
Composite |
Definition of an interface for components that can contain other components.
CompositeComponentHandler<T,S> |
Definition of an interface for complex component handlers that can contain
other component handlers.
CompositeImpl |
A straight-forward implementation of the Composite interface.
ConditionalTag |
Definition of an interface for tags that are only executed for certain
ConstantBeanProvider |
A concrete implementation of the BeanProvider interface that
will always return the same bean instance.
ConstantValueTag |
A specialized tag handler implementation for resolving values of constant
ConstraintsTag |
An abstract base class for creating layout constraints objects.
ConstructorBeanProvider |
A simple bean provider that creates new bean instances by invoking a
ConstructorInvocation |
A class that represents a constructor invocation.
ConstructorInvocationTag |
ConstructorTag |
A specialized constructor invocation tag that is intended to be used inside a
<bean> tag for defining the BeanProvider
for creating the managed bean.
ContainerSelector |
An interface for a component responsible for obtaining a container object.
ContainerTag |
A specific tag handler implementation for creating container tags.
ContextBeanTag |
A specialized tag for the creation of beans from objects stored in the Jelly
ConversionHelper |
A helper class providing functionality related to data type conversion and
registration of custom converters.
ConverterTag |
A specialized tag handler class for adding custom data type converters in a
builder script.
CreateFileCommand |
A command class for creating a new file.
CreateFileData |
A data class that stores all information for the creation of a new file.
CreateViewSettingsCommand |
A command class for storing view settings for a given directory.
DateTimeTransformer |
A specialized transformer that transforms strings into date objects with both
a date and time component.
DateTransformer |
A specialized transformer that transforms strings into date objects.
DateTransformerBase |
An abstract base class for date transformer objects.
DefaultBeanContext |
A default implementation of the BeanContext interface.
DefaultBeanStore |
A simple yet fully functional default implementation of the
BeanStore interface.
DefaultClassLoaderProvider |
A default implementation of the ClassLoaderProvider interface.
DefaultContainerSelector |
A default implementation of the ContainerSelector interface.
DefaultFieldHandler |
A default implementation of the FieldHandler interface.
DefaultFieldHandlerFactory |
A default implementation of the FieldHandlerFactory interface.
DefaultFormValidatorResults |
Default implementation of the FormValidatorResults interface.
DefaultRadioButtonHandler |
A concrete default implementation of a CompositeComponentHandler for
a group of radio buttons.
DefaultTableEditorValidationHandler |
A default implementation of the TableEditorValidationHandler
DefaultToolTipManager |
A default implementation of the ToolTipManager interface.
DefaultTransformerWrapper |
A default implementation of the TransformerWrapper interface.
DefaultValidationMessageHandler |
A default implementation of the ValidationMessageHandler interface.
DefaultValidationResult |
A default implementation of the ValidationResult interface.
DefaultValidationResult.Builder |
A builder class for creating instances of
DefaultValidationResult .
DefaultValidatorWrapper |
A default implementation of the ValidatorWrapper interface.
Dependency |
Definition of an interface for describing a dependency to another
in an abstract way.
DependencyProvider |
Definition of an interface that provides access to dependencies defined by a
BeanProvider .
DependencyTag |
A base class for tag handler classes that support the definition of a
DesktopPanelTag |
A specific container tag implementation that creates a desktop panel.
DesktopPanelTag.DragMode |
Enumeration class that defines the allowed values for the
dragmode attribute.
DialogCanceledCallback<D> |
A callback interface to notify a client that the user has canceled a standard
DialogResultCallback<T,D> |
A callback interface for handling the result of a standard dialog.
DialogServiceFactory<T> |
A factory interface for the creation of a dialog service.
DialogTag |
A tag handler class for creating dialogs.
DIBuilderData |
A data class for maintaining all information required for a DI builder
DirectoryChooserOptions |
A class for defining the options of a directory chooser dialog.
DirectoryData |
A data class for storing information about a directory.
DITagLibrary |
The tag library for the tags of the dependency injection framework.
DoubleTransformer |
A specialized number transformer implementation that deals with numbers of
type java.lang.Double .
DummyActionTask |
A dummy task class that is associated with actions for which no
implementation is provided.
DummyBindingStrategy |
A dummy implementation of the BindingStrategy interface.
DummyTransformer |
This class provides dummy implementations for the Transformer
and the Validator interfaces.
DummyWrapper |
A dummy implementation of the TransformerWrapper and the
ValidatorWrapper interfaces.
EditableComboBoxModel |
Definition of a specialized ListModel extension interface to be used
by editable combo boxes.
EditDesktopTask |
A specialized action task for editing a selected file.
ElementEnabler |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by components that can change
the enabled state of specific elements.
ElementTag |
A tag handler class that allows adding elements to collections.
EnablerBuilder |
A helper class for the convenient creation of standard ElementEnabler
EnablerConverter |
EntryKeyTag |
A tag handler class for defining the key of an EntryTag
EntryTag |
A tag handler implementation for populating a map.
EnumConverter |
A specialized Converter implementation dealing with all types of
enumeration classes.
EventFilter |
Definition of an interface for filtering events.
EventFilterTag |
A specialized tag handler class for creating event filters.
EventListenerTag |
A base class for event listener tags.
EventListenerTypeTag |
A specialized tag handler implementation that allows adding another event
listener type to a FormEventListenerTag .
EventRegistrationTag |
A tag handler class for registering an event listener at a single or multiple
FactoryBeanProvider |
A specialized life-cycle supporting BeanProvider
implementation for creating new bean instances on each invocation.
FactoryTag |
A tag for defining a bean factory that is used as creation
BeanProvider for a BeanTag .
FieldHandler |
Definition of an interface for accessing fields of a form.
FieldHandlerFactory |
Definition of an interface for objects that are able to create
FieldTag |
A specific input component tag that allows to make use of custom input
FieldValidationStatus |
An enumeration class describing the possible validation status values of a
form field.
FileChooserDialogService |
An interface for a service that allows the creation of standard dialogs for
choosing files and directories.
FileChooserOptions |
A class for defining the options of a file chooser dialog.
FileData |
A simple data class representing a file (or sub directory) in a directory.
FileExtensionFilter |
A class representing an extension filter that can be used together with the
file chooser service.
FileLocator |
A concrete Locator class that represents files.
FileSizeTransformer |
A specialized transformer for formatting file sizes.
FileSystemChangeListener |
An event listener for change events fired by the combobox with the file
FileSystemListModel |
A ListModel implementation for the roots of the available file
FloatTransformer |
A specialized number transformer implementation that deals with numbers of
type java.lang.Float .
FocusListenerTag |
A specific form event listener tag implementation that deals with focus
FontTag |
A specialized tag handler class for creating fonts.
Form |
This class represents a form.
FormAction |
An interface describing an action.
FormActionEvent |
A specific event class for dealing with action events.
FormActionException |
An exception class indicating a problem with the form action framework.
FormActionListener |
Definition of an interface for action listeners.
FormBaseTag |
A base class for tags of the form builder framework.
FormBuilderException |
An exception class for reporting errors of the form builder framework.
FormBuilderRuntimeException |
An exception class for reporting runtime errors of the form builder
FormBuilderTagLibrary |
The tag library for the form builder tags.
FormChangeEvent |
A specific event class for change events.
FormChangeListener |
Definition of an interface for change listeners.
FormContextListener |
An event listener interface to be implemented by components that are
interested in the creation of new form contexts during a builder operation.
FormController |
A base class for form controllers.
FormControllerEvent |
FormControllerFieldStatusEvent |
A specialized FormControllerEvent class that is generated whenever a
form field changes its visited status.
FormControllerFieldStatusListener |
A specialized event listener interface to be implemented by objects that are
interested in status updates of form fields.
FormControllerFormEvent |
A specialized FormControllerEvent class for events related to the
form associated with a FormController .
FormControllerFormEvent.Type |
An enumeration class defining the possible types of
FormControllerFormEvent events.
FormControllerFormListener |
FormControllerListenerTag |
A specialized tag handler class that can be used to register listeners at a
FormController .
FormControllerTag |
A specialized tag handler implementation for creating form controllers.
FormControllerValidationEvent |
A specialized FormControllerEvent class that is generated when the
controller performs a validation.
FormControllerValidationListener |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by objects that are interested
in validation operations performed by a FormController .
FormEvent |
An event class used in the form and form builder framework to deliver event
information related to form elements (controls or input components).
FormEventListener |
Base interface for listeners for form events.
FormEventListenerTag |
A base class for event listener tag handler classes that deal with event
listeners for form events.
FormEventManager |
The main class for event handling in the form framework.
FormFocusEvent |
A specific event class dealing with focus events.
FormFocusEvent.Type |
An enumeration class defining the different types of focus events.
FormFocusListener |
Definition of an interface for focus listeners.
FormListenerType |
An enumeration class describing the supported event listener types.
FormMouseEvent |
A specialized event class for reporting events related to mouse actions.
FormMouseEvent.Type |
An enumeration class defining constants for the possible mouse actions
that can trigger a FormMouseEvent .
FormMouseListener |
Definition of interface for mouse listeners.
FormRuntimeException |
An exception class for reporting runtime exceptions related to the form
FormValidationMessageFormat |
FormValidationTrigger |
Definition of an interface for objects that can trigger the validation of a
FormValidationTriggerFocus |
A specialized FormValidationTrigger implementation that triggers a
validation operation whenever the user leaves an input field.
FormValidationTriggerNone |
A specialized implementation of a FormValidationTrigger that
does no triggering at all.
FormValidator |
Definition of an interface for objects that can validate forms.
FormValidatorResults |
Definition of an interface for describing results of a form validation.
FrameTag |
A tag handler class for creating (main) frame windows.
GUIRuntimeException |
An exception class for reporting GUI related runtime errors.
GUISynchronizer |
Definition of an interface that supports updating GUI components from
different threads.
HelperInvocations |
An enumeration class defining some simple helper Invokable
IconSupport |
Definition of an interface for GUI components that support icons.
IconTag |
A tag for adding an icon to a component.
InjectionException |
An exception class for reporting exceptions related to dependency injection.
InputComponentTag |
A base class for tag handler classes that create input components.
IntegerTransformer |
A specialized number transformer implementation that deals with numbers of
type java.lang.Integer .
InternalFrameAdapter |
A window adapter implementation for Swing internal frames.
InternalFrameTag |
A tag handler class for creating internal frames.
InvariantWindowClosingStrategy |
A very simple implementation of the WindowClosingStrategy
InverseEnabler |
A specialized implementation of the ElementEnabler interface that
wraps another ElementEnabler and inverses the
setEnabledState() implementation of this wrapped enabler.
Invocation |
A base class for (method or constructor) invocations.
InvocationHelper |
A helper class providing some more complex functionality related to
InvocationTag |
A base class for tag handler classes defining invocation objects.
InvocationTargetTag |
A specialized tag handler implementation for defining the target object of a
method invocation.
Invokable |
Definition of an interface for objects that perform some kind of method
JellyBeanBuilder |
An implementation of the BeanBuilder interface that is able to
process bean definitions defined in a Apache Commons Jelly script.
JellyBeanBuilderFactory |
An implementation of the BeanBuilderFactory interface that
returns JellyBeanBuilder
JellyBuilder |
An implementation of the Builder interface that uses Commons Jelly for processing build
scripts and creating GUI components.
JellyContextBeanStore |
A specialized implementation of the BeanStore interface that
is backed by a Jelly context.
JGuiraffeTestHelper |
A helper class with functionality that can be used by test classes.
Keys |
An enumeration class defining constants for special keys on a standard
LabelTag |
A tag class for creating labels.
LayoutTag |
A base tag handler class for layout tags.
LifeCycleBeanProvider |
An abstract base class for BeanProvider implementations with
life-cycle support.
ListBeanProvider |
A specific CollectionBeanProvider implementation that creates
a list bean.
ListBoxTag |
A specific input component tag that creates a list box component.
ListComponentHandler |
A specialized component handler interface for components with list-like
ListModel |
Definition of an interface that is used to obtain the content of a list box
or combo box component.
ListModelItemTag |
A tag handler class that creates an item for a list model.
ListModelSupport |
Definition of an interface for tags that support a list model.
ListModelUtils |
A helper class for dealing with model objects.
ListTag |
A specialized CollectionTag implementation for creating lists.
LocalizedTag |
A specialized tag handler class for loading localized texts and passing them
to tags implementing the ValueSupport interface.
Locator |
Definition of the base Locator interface.
LocatorConverter |
A specialized Converter implementation dealing with Locator
LocatorException |
An exception class for reporting error conditions related to
LocatorUtils |
A helper class for locating resources.
LocatorWrapper |
A wrapper implementation for locators.
LongTransformer |
A specialized number transformer implementation that deals with numbers of
type java.lang.Long .
Main |
The main application class of the JGUIraffe tutorial application.
MainWndController |
The controller class for the main window.
MapBeanProvider |
A specialized BeanProvider implementation for creating beans of
type java.util.Map .
MapTag |
A specialized BeanTag implementation for creating maps.
MenuBarTag |
A tag handler class for creating menu bars.
MenuItemTag |
A tag handler class that creates menu items.
MenuTag |
A tag handler class for defining menus.
Message |
A convenience class for dealing with localized messages that can have
MessageOutput |
Definition of an interface for creating message boxes in a platform
independent way.
MethodInvocation |
A class that represents a method invocation.
MethodInvocationBeanProvider |
A specialized BeanProvider that creates beans by invoking a
MethodInvocationTag |
A specialized InvocationTag implementation that deals with
MethodInvocation objects.
Modifiers |
An enumeration class representing special modifier keys.
MouseEventAdapter |
A specific Swing event adapter implementation that deals with mouse events.
MouseListenerTag |
A specialized event listener tag that deals with mouse events.
MultiFileChooserOptions |
A class for defining the options of a multi file chooser dialog.
MutableBeanStore |
Definition of an interface for a BeanStore that can be
NameDependency |
An implementation of the Dependency interface that allows to
define a dependency based on the name of a bean.
NullEnabler |
A trivial implementation of the ElementEnabler interface that does
NullInvocation |
NullMessageOutput |
An implementation of the MessageOutput interface that does not output
a message.
NullTag |
A tag handler class for specifying null values.
NumberTransformerBase<T extends Number> |
An abstract base class for transformers and validators for numbers.
NumberWithUnit |
A class that combines a value with a unit.
OpenDesktopTask |
A specialized action task for opening a file or directory.
OpenViewSettingsDlgCommand |
A specialized command class for opening the dialog with the view settings.
OpenWindowCommand |
A specialized Command implementation for opening a sub window.
OrEventFilter |
A specialized chained filter implementation that provides a OR or ANY
OrEventFilterTag |
A specialized ChainedEventFilter implementation that creates
Orientation |
An enumeration class that defines allowed values for the orientation of
PanelTag |
A specific container tag implementation that creates a panel.
ParameterTag |
A tag handler class for defining the parameters of a method or constructor
PasswordFieldTag |
A specialized tag handler implementation for creating password text fields.
PercentCellConstraintsTag |
An abstract base class for tags that define cell constraints of a percent
PercentCellGroupTag |
A tag handler base class for tags that define cell groups for a percent
PercentColConstraintsTag |
A concrete cell constraints tag implementation.
PercentColGroupTag |
A concrete cell group tag that creates a column group for a percent layout.
PercentConstraintsTag |
A specific layout constraints tag that creates a
object, i.e. layout constraints for the PercentLayout class.
PercentData |
PercentData.Builder |
A builder implementation for creating instances of
PercentData .
PercentLayout |
The concrete percent layout implementation.
PercentLayoutBase |
The main class of the percent layout manager.
PercentLayoutPlatformAdapter |
Definition of an interface that encapsulates platform (library) specific
access to GUI components that are managed by a percent layout manager.
PercentLayoutTag |
A specific layout tag that creates a Percent Layout manager.
PercentRowConstraintsTag |
A concrete cell constraints tag implementation.
PercentRowGroupTag |
A concrete cell group tag that creates a row group for a percent layout.
PersonBean |
A test bean class that can be used by tests which need to access bean properties..
PlatformEventManager |
Definition of an interface for dealing with platform (i.e. a specific GUI
library) specific events.
PopupHandlerTag |
A tag handler class that allows registering a handler for a popup menu at a
PopupMenuBuilder |
A builder interface for creating popup menus.
PopupMenuHandler |
Definition of an interface for controlling popup menus that can be associated
with GUI components.
PrintDesktopTask |
A specialized action task for printing a file.
ProgressBarHandler |
A specialized component handler that represents a progress bar component.
ProgressBarTag |
A special input component tag that defines a progress bar.
PropertiesBeanProvider |
A specialized BeanProvider implementation for creating a
java.util.Properties object.
PropertiesSupport |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by tags that support a
properties object.
PropertiesTag |
A tag for creating a map with properties and passing it to a target tag.
PropertiesTag |
A specialized MapTag implementation for creating a
java.util.Properties object.
PropertySupport |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by tags that support setting of
PropertyTag |
A tag for setting a property.
PushButtonTag |
An abstract base class for tag handler classes that implement push buttons
like checkboxes or radio buttons.
RadioButtonTag |
A specific input component tag for creating a radio button.
RadioGroupTag |
A tag for creating a radio group.
RadioGroupWidgetHandler |
ReferenceTag |
A tag handler class that can be used to define references to other components
or groups in the body of a ComponentHandlerTag .
ReflectionUtils |
An utility class that provides some functionality related to reflection and
dependency injection.
RefreshActionTask |
The task of the refresh action.
RegexValidator |
A specialized Validator implementation that uses regular expressions
to validate user input.
RequiredValidator |
A specialized Validator implementation that checks
whether data was entered in mandatory fields.
ResourceGroup |
Definition of an interface for resource groups.
ResourceLoader |
Definition of an interface for objects that are able to load resource groups.
ResourceManager |
Definition of an interface for accessing resources in a generic way.
ResourceManagerImpl |
A default implementation of the ResourceManager interface.
ResourceTag |
A tag for resolving resources on the class path and creating corresponding
URI strings.
RestrictedDependencyProvider |
An implementation of the DependencyProvider interface, which does not
support external dependencies.
ScheduleAware |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by Command objects that
are interested in the point of time they are passed to a CommandQueue
ScrollSizeSupport |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by tags that allow the
specification of a preferred scroll width and height.
SelectAndOpenFileTask |
A task class for selecting a file and opening it.
SeparatorTag |
A simple tag handler class for creating a separator for menus, toolbars, and
related components.
SetBeanProvider |
A specialized CollectionBeanProvider implementation that
creates a java.util.Set bean.
SetPropertyInvocation |
A special Invocation implementation for setting properties.
SetPropertyTag |
SetTag |
A specialized CollectionTag implementation for creating sets.
ShutdownHandlerTag |
A tag handler class that defines a shutdown script for a BeanProvider
SimpleBeanProvider |
A base class for simple bean providers.
SimpleBeanStoreImpl |
A helper class that simplifies implementations of the BeanStore
SimpleBeanStoreImpl.BeanContributor |
Definition of an interface for objects that can contribute beans for a
SimpleBeanStoreImpl object.
SimpleComponentTag |
An abstract base class for tags that create simple GUI components.
SimplePopupMenuHandler |
A specialized implementation of a PopupMenuHandler ,
which can be used out of the box for creating not too complex, mostly static
popup menus.
SingletonBeanProvider |
A specialized life-cycle supporting BeanProvider implementation for
creating singleton beans.
SliderTag |
A specialized input component tag that defines a slider component.
SplitterTag |
A tag for implementing a splitter component.
StaticTextData |
Definition of an interface for describing the properties of a static
text element.
StaticTextDataImpl |
A default implementation of the StaticTextData interface.
StaticTextDataTransformer |
A special implementation of the Transformer interface for converting
data to StaticTextData objects.
StaticTextHandler |
Definition of an interface for a handler that represents a static text
StaticTextTag |
A tag handler class for creating a static text component.
SwingActionManager |
The Swing specific implementation of the ActionManager
SwingButtonHandler |
A specific Swing component handler implementation that deals with several
kinds of button like components.
SwingComponentManager |
The Swing specific implementation of the ComponentManager
SwingConfigurationTreeModel |
A specialized implementation of TreeModel that obtains its data
from a Configuration object.
SwingEventAdapter |
The base class for Swing event adapters.
SwingEventConstantMapper |
An utility class for converting Swing-specific constants related to events to
the toolkit-independent constants used by the JGUIraffe library.
SwingEventManager |
Swing specific implementation of the PlatformEventManager
SwingEventSource |
Definition of an interface for registering and unregistering Swing event
SwingFileChooserDialogService |
The Swing-specific implementation of the file chooser dialog service.
SwingFileChooserDialogServiceFactory |
SwingFormAction |
A Swing specific implementation of the FormAction interface.
SwingGUISynchronizer |
The Swing specific implementation of the GUISynchronizer
SwingMessageOutput |
A Swing specific implementation of the MessageOutput
SwingPercentLayoutAdapter |
Implementation of a Swing-specific adapter class for the percent layout
SwingPopupMenuBuilder |
A specialized implementation of the PopupMenuBuilder interface
for constructing Swing popup menus.
SwingSizeHandler |
Swing specific implementation of the SizeHandler interface.
SwingTableColumnWidthListener |
A specialized event listener class for keeping track of and resizing the
columns of a table.
SwingTableEditorValidationHandler |
SwingTableModel |
A table model implementation for tables defined by the TableTag tag
handler class.
SwingTableRowHeightUpdater |
A helper class for setting the correct row heights for a Swing table.
SwingTableSelectionHandler |
A Swing-specific default implementation of the
TableSelectionHandler interface.
SwingWindow |
Definition of an extended window interface implemented by Swing window
SwingWindowManager |
The Swing specific implementation of the WindowManager
TabbedPaneTag |
A specialized tag handler implementation for creating a tabbed pane.
TabbedPaneTag.Placement |
An enumeration class that defines the valid values for the
placement attribute.
TabbedPaneTag.TabData |
A data class that holds all properties of a register that can be added to
a tabbed pane.
TableChangeListener |
An event listener for change events fired by the table with the directory
TableColumnRecalibrator |
Definition of an interface for a component which can recalibrate itself based
on the column widths of a table.
TableColumnTag |
A tag handler class for defining columns of a table component.
TableColumnWidthCalculator |
Definition of an interface for a component which can calculate the widths of
a table's columns given the total width of the table.
TableColumnWidthController |
A helper class that provides functionality for managing the widths of the
columns of a table.
TableEditorValidationHandler |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by objects interested in
validation events triggered by a column editor.
TableEditorValidationHandlerTag |
TableFormController |
A helper class for dealing with Form objects related to table
TableHandler |
A specialized ComponentHandler interface dealing with specific
functionality provided by tables.
TablePopupHandler |
A PopupMenuHandler implementation for creating the popup menu of the
directory table.
TableSelectionHandler |
Definition of an interface that allows changing the way a selected or focused
cell in the table is displayed.
TableSelectionHandlerTag |
A tag handler class for defining selection handlers for a table component.
TableTag |
A tag that creates a table component.
TabTag |
A tag handler class for creating register tab pages of a tabbed pane.
TextAreaTag |
A specific component tag that constructs a text area component.
TextData |
A helper class that provides some functionality for components that can
display an internationalized text.
TextFieldTag |
A specific input component tag that constructs a text field component.
TextHandler |
A specialized ComponentHandler implementation for text components.
TextIconAlignment |
An enumeration class that defines the alignment of the text and the icon of a
label or button-like component.
TextIconData |
A helper class that provides some functionality for components that can
display both a text and an icon.
TextIconTag |
A base class for simple components that support a display text and an icon.
TextListModelTag |
A tag handler class that creates a text based ListModel .
TextListModelTag.TextListModel |
A simple implementation of the ListModel interface that
maintains a list of display texts and a list with the corresponding
TextResource |
A class representing a textual resource.
TimeTransformer |
A specialized transformer that transforms strings into date objects, taking
only the time portion into account.
ToggleButtonTag |
A specific tag handler class for creating toggle buttons.
ToolbarTag |
A specialized tag handler class for creating a toolbar component.
ToolButtonTag |
A specific tag handler class for creating toolbar buttons.
ToolTipFieldMarker |
A specialized FormControllerValidationListener implementation that is
able to adapt the tool tips of input elements for which validation messages
are available.
ToolTipManager |
Definition of an interface for a component that manages the tool tips of UI
ToStringTransformer |
A generic Transformer implementation that transforms arbitrary
objects into formatted strings.
Transformer |
Definition of the Transformer interface.
TransformerBaseTag<T> |
A base class for tags that create transformers or validators.
TransformerContext |
Definition of an interface for accessing data needed by transformers.
TransformerContextPropertiesWrapper |
A specialized implementation of the TransformerContext
interface that allows wrapping an existing context and extending its
TransformerTag |
A tag handler class for creating Transformer objects and passing them
to input component tags.
TransformerTag.Type |
An enumeration for the possible types of a transformer.
TransformerWrapper |
Definition of an interface for objects that wrap a transformer.
TreeChangeListener |
An event listener for change events fired by the tree view.
TreeConfigurationChangeHandler |
A helper class for concrete tree view implementations that supports the
processing of change events fired by a configuration serving as tree model.
TreeExpandVetoException |
An exception class to be thrown to prevent a tree from expanding or
collapsing a tree node.
TreeExpansionEvent |
An event class reporting a change in the expanded state of a tree's node.
TreeExpansionEvent.Type |
An enumeration class defining the different types of a
TreeExpansionEvent .
TreeExpansionListener |
An event listener interface to be implemented by objects that are interested
in changes of the expansion state of tree nodes.
TreeHandler |
A specialized ComponentHandler interface for dealing with tree
TreeIconHandler |
Definition of an interface for components that determine the icons displayed
by a tree component.
TreeIconTag |
A tag for defining icons for tree components.
TreeModelChangeListener |
Definition of an interface to be implemented by components interested in
changes on a tree model.
TreeNodePath |
A class that represents a path in a tree component.
TreePreExpansionListener |
An event listener interface to be implemented by objects that need to be
notified before the expansion state of a tree's node changes.
TreeTag |
A tag that creates a tree component.
TypeEventFilter |
A specialized EventFilter implementation that filters by an event
UniqueFileNameValidator |
A specialized Validator implementations for checking whether the name
entered for a new file does not exist in the current directory.
Unit |
An enumeration class for defining units.
UnitSizeHandler |
Definition of an interface for performing size calculations in a manner
independent of a certain component model.
URLLocator |
A specialized Locator implementation that operates on URLs.
UseBeanBaseTag |
A tag handler base class for tags that deal with the creation of service
ValidationMessage |
Definition of an interface describing a validation message.
ValidationMessageConstants |
This class defines constants for the keys of validation messages.
ValidationMessageHandler |
Definition of an interface for a central instance that manages validation
ValidationMessageLevel |
An enumeration class that defines possible levels for validation messages.
ValidationPhase |
An enumeration class that describes the different validation phases.
ValidationResult |
An interface that defines the results of a validation process.
Validator |
Definition of a validator interface.
ValidatorBaseTag<T extends Validator> |
A base class for tag handler implementations that create validators for input
ValidatorsTag |
A tag handler class for combining multiple validators to be assigned to an
input component.
ValidatorTag |
A tag handler class for creating
Validator objects and
associating them with input components.
ValidatorWrapper |
Definition of an interface for objects that wrap a
ValueData |
A data class for holding all information required for creating a value.
ValueSupport |
Definition of an interface for tag handler classes that can be assigned a
ValueTag |
A tag handler class for defining a value.
ViewSettings |
A data class for storing a view definition.
ViewSettingsFormController |
A specialized FormController class for the view settings dialog.
ViewSettingsFormValidator |
A FormValidator implementation for validating the dialog with view
WidgetHandler |
Definition of an interface for dealing with widgets.
Window |
Definition of an interface for describing windows in a platform independent
WindowAdapter |
Abstract base class for Swing Window implementations that are
based on java.awt.Window .
WindowBaseTag |
A base class for all tag handler classes that create windows.
WindowBuilderData |
A data class that stores important information needed during a window builder
WindowBuilderException |
A specialized exception class used for reporting error conditions related to
the window builder.
WindowBuilderTagLibrary |
The tag library with the window builder tags.
WindowClosingStrategy |
Definition of an interface used to control whether a window can be closed.
WindowControllerTag |
A tag handler class that allows the creation of window controllers.
WindowData |
Definition of an interface for providing (platform-independent) information
about a window to be created.
WindowEvent |
An event class used by the window builder framework to deliver event
information related to windows.
WindowEvent.Type |
An enumeration for the different types of window events.
WindowListener |
Definition of an interface that must be implemented by objects that are
interested in window related events.
WindowListenerTag |
A specialized event listener tag that can be used to register window
WindowManager |
Definition of an interface for platform (or GUI library) specific window
manager implementations.
WindowManagerWrapper |
A base class for wrapper implementations of the WindowManager
WindowUtils |
A static utility class providing useful functionality for dealing with
Window objects.
WindowWrapper |
Definition of an interface for objects that wrap "real" windows.