JGUIraffe Changes Report definition

Release History

Version Date Description
1.4.1 2022-11-05 Upgrades of dependencies
1.4 2021-08-01 New features, bug fixes, and upgrades of dependencies.
1.3.1 2016-07-17 Bugfix release; addresses many problems with JavaFX
1.3 2015-01-18 Support for JavaFX
1.2 2012-11-15 Adding OSGi support
1.1 2012-02-12 First maintenance release
1.0 2010-09-03 First release

Release 1.4.1 - 2022-11-05

Type Changes By
Updated scala-library from 2.13.6 to 2.13.9. Thanks to dependabot. oheger
Updated commons-jelly from 1.0 to 1.0.1. Thanks to dependabot. oheger
Updated xercesImpl from 2.12.1 to 2.12.2. Thanks to dependabot. oheger

Release 1.4 - 2021-08-01

Type Changes By
The JavaFX module now requires Scala 2.13. Fixes 49. oheger
Make the project build again on a recent JDK. This required a number of updates in dependencies and plugins. The minimum supported JDK version has been upgraded to Java 1.8. Fixes 48. oheger
JGUIraffe now publishes an artifact with the test classes of the core project. It contains dummy implementations for the central builder interfaces and can thus be useful for unit tests of applications based on the library. The test implementations have been improved in this respect. Fixes 47. oheger
Added support for dialogs for choosing files and directories. Fixes 46. oheger
The user configuration of an application is now written to disk only if it has been actually changed. Fixes 45. oheger
JavaFX now supports widget handlers for groups of radio buttons. Fixes 44. oheger
The scroll width and height of Swing components that have a scroll pane can now be configured in the unit DLU. Fixes 43. oheger
Improved the handling of the Escape key in windows. It is now possible to declare a button as cancel button. Pressing the Escape key in the window is then equivalent to clicking on this button. Fixes 42. oheger
Added a tag for exposing a variable from the Jelly context as bean. Fixes 41. oheger
The JavaFX module now requires Scala 2.12. Fixes 40. oheger
Added a new shutdown() method to application which allows a forced shutdown. In this mode, shutdown listeners are not asked for permission. Fixes 39. oheger
Fixed dynamic growing of percent layouts when the content of controls contained was changed. Fixes 31. oheger
The Export-Package header of the OSGi bundle generated for the core project now includes impl packages. Some of them are useful for client bundles as well. Fixes 30. oheger
JavaFX windows now handle the closeable property correctly. The default values of windows flags like closeable, resizable, etc. have been changed from false to true. (In most cases, these features should be enabled.) Fixes 29. oheger
Fixed an update problem with JavaFX tables that only have a single row. Fixes 28. oheger
Made shutdown handling more consistent. It is ensured that the main window is closed exactly once, and that multiple invocations of shutdown() have no effect. Fixes 26. oheger
Handling of close notifications has been reworked for JavaFX windows. Window closed events are no longer sent when the window becomes invisible; they are sent when the window is actually closed, either by clicking the X button or by an invocation of the close() method. Fixes 25. oheger
JavaFX windows can now be assigned an icon. Fixes 24. oheger
JavaFX static text elements now handle icons correctly. Fixes 23. oheger

Release 1.3.1 - 2016-07-17

Type Changes By
Fixed a NullPointerException in selection handling of JavaFxTreeHandler. Fixes 22. oheger
Labels rendered within a percent layout are given now a slightly greater width, so that the text is fully displayed. Fixes 21. oheger
Application now offers a method for accessing the bean context that was created when the main window was constructed. Fixes 20. oheger
The action tag now supports a new enabled attribute. This can be used to disable actions after their creation. Fixes 19. oheger
JavaFxWindowManager now supports customizing JavaFX stage creation. For this purpose the new trait StageFactory was introduced. With DefaultStageFactory there is a default implementation which can be extended. Fixes 18. oheger
FormController now offers a new method validateAndDisplayMessages() which can be used to trigger a validation with user feedback at any time. This is useful for instance for the implementation of an Apply button. Fixes 17. oheger
It is now possible to add custom beans created dynamically by an application to the global bean context. Fixes 16. oheger
Using the unit dlu in a JavaFX splitter component no longer causes an exception. Fixes 15. oheger
JavaFX panels can now be assigned basic attributes like color or font. Fixes 14. oheger
JavaFX tables now correctly evaluate the multi-selection flag. Fixes 13. oheger
JavaFX labels can now be assigned an icon. The ClassCastException that occurred in this case has been fixed. Fixes 12. oheger
The JavaFX application is now correctly set up so that the primary stage can be created successfully in JavaFX 8. Fixes 11. oheger
The build of JGUIraffe is now possible with both Java 7 and Java 8. Fixes 10. oheger

Release 1.3 - 2015-01-18

Type Changes By
JavaFX is now supported as target platform. Fixes 38. oheger
The default value of the canShrink property of PercentLayoutBase was changed from false to true. This is appropriate for the majority of use cases. Fixes 9. oheger
SwingMessageOutput no longer allows HTML-based formatting. Leading and trailing html tags are removed from the message text. Fixes 8. oheger
SwingMessageOutput now allows specifying a maximum line length. Message texts are processed so that no line exceeds the specified length. Line wrapping is enabled per default. Fixes 7. oheger
The documentation of the MessageOutput interface was improved regarding the way the passed in message text is processed. Fixes 6. oheger
The colrenderer tag now works as expected in Swing. Fixes 5. oheger
Editable tree view components now work correctly in Swing. Fixes 4. oheger
Editable combo boxes no longer throw an exception in Swing. Fixes 3. oheger
Added the tag di:resource to resolve resources on the class path. Fixes 37. oheger
Colors now support a logic representation. This is useful for instance when dealing with style sheets. The serialization format and the string representation of class Color have changed. oheger

Release 1.2 - 2012-11-15

Type Changes By
Added OSGi support. Fixes 36. oheger

Release 1.1 - 2012-02-12

Type Changes By
Improvements of the dependency injection framework related to factory beans and builder classes. Fixes 35. oheger
SwingTableComponentHandler now ensures that a newly selected row (in single-selection mode) becomes visible. If necessary, it changes the position of the scroll pane. Fixes 34. oheger
Updated test dependency to EasyMock to the most recent version 3.0. Fixes 33. oheger
Added a transformer to StaticTextData objects which simpliefies usage of static text controls in forms. Fixes 32. oheger
Builders could throw an undocumented LocatorException. Such exceptions are now caught and re-thrown as BuilderException exceptions. Fixes 2. oheger
Fixed a NullPointerException which can occur in the dependency injection framework when looking up beans by classes rather than bean names. Fixes 1. oheger

Release 1.0 - 2010-09-03

No changes in this release.